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Primary School

Unit 3 Spring 2 Newsletter

Location, Location, Location!

Welcome back! We hope you have had a relaxing half term break. Please find the details of our intended learning experience for the second half of the spring term. Our new Learning Experience is entitled ‘Location, Location, Location.’

Learning Experience Rationale

The children will be using persuasive techniques to sell a house. They will create an advert for a house (either their own or fictional), based upon real life examples of estate agent adverts. They will create a concept board to show to local estate agents Woods Bryce Baker. 

School value focus: Independence, creativity and responsibility.

Learning Experience Outcome

We will be enjoying visits from local estate agents Woods Bryce Baker on the 2nd and 4th April in school, during the school day. They will talk to the children about life as an estate agent and the transferable skills a Learning Experience based on this can provide. Children will be able to show them their concept boards in our gallery on 2nd April. Woods Bryce Baker have kindly offered to donate 3 prizes to children for taking part in this. Mr Ord and Mrs Oliver will pick the finalists before the estate agents pick their top 3 and give the prizes out on 4th April. This will centre around use of values in their work and the determination children use to complete it. 

Maths: During this half term, the children will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of multiplication and division before moving on to fractions. We are continuing to develop a mastery approach to our teaching, where the children are required to justify the reasoning for their answers. We will be continuing to develop the children’s ability to journal about their work. We ask that all children practice their times tables at home as often as possible.

Home Learning: All children will have weekly spellings to learn at home. Children will also need to use the online programs My Maths, Times Tables Rockstars and Read Theory to support their learning in school. Please see your child’s teacher if you require the log ins. Alongside this, please could the children:

  • Photograph their house for their concept board – cameras will be provided for this on a rota, class by class. If you would prefer not to use your house, please could your child bring in some photographs of a house found online or from a magazine.
  • Take some photographs of local landmarks and areas of interest. Please could we have photographs of the local area in school by Monday 18th March.


Throughout the six-week learning experience, the children will be expected to use persuasive writing techniques to entice buyers into viewing or buying their property. This writing will form part of their individual concept boards. The children will also write a short narrative about a child who is moving to the local area, drawing upon a high quality model text.

Reading at home – Please encourage children to read at home as much as possible. The children will return home with new library books once they have taken a quiz about the book they have read.  Over time, this will help improve their reading age and fluency as part of our Accelerated Reader program.


This term will see the children learning about ‘Animals including Humans’. The learning will include:

  • Understanding the skeleton and to be able to name some of the bones.
  • To understand the importance of a healthy, balanced diet and what this looks like.

Computing / Spanish / PE / RE

Our focus for computing will continue to be the program Scratch as well as staying safe online. Gymnastics will be the PE activity for this half term. Spanish lessons will be based on ordering food and drink in a café, and RE will be focusing on learning about the festivals and celebrations in Hinduism and Sikhism.

We have a child with a peanut allergy in school. We kindly request that children do not bring peanut products into school. Thank you.

Thank you,

Miss Pettitt, Miss Prior and Mr Kingdon

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075