Connect Academy Trust & Governance
Preston primary school is part of Connect Academy Trust.
Connect Academy Trust is governed through a Trust Board. Details are below.
In addition, each school within the Trust has a Local Governing Body (LGB) to work as a committee to the Trust Board. Preston Primary is currently creating their own LGB.
Please find below details of the Chair to Directors, and links to the Trust website, financial information, Governance structure and Preston Primary Local Governing Body:
Christian Jenkins - Chair of the Board of Directors
Leigham Primary School and Nursery, Cockington Close, Leigham, Plymouth, Devon. PL6 8RF
Telephone: 01752 790990 Email:
Financial Information - Financial & Statutory Information • Connect Academy Trust
Governance - Our Governance Network • Connect Academy Trust
Preston Primary Local Governing Body (Committee to the Board).
This body is initially made up of 7 people: One community governor, four parent governors and two staff governors.
The governors meet regularly to share, support and challenge the school in a number of ways, including staffing, curriculum and performance. They are supported in this by both the school Senior Leadership Team and the Senior Executive Team.
Keeleigh Treleaven, Staff Governor (Governor for Pupil Premium, SEND and Safeguarding)
Anja Maskell, and Lisa Shepherd, Staff Governors.
Finn Houlihan (Chair), and Esther Rolinski, Parent Governors.
Ruth Beckett, and Pippa Truman Davies, Community Governors.