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Unit 3 - Years 3 & 4

Unit 3 Home Learning

We value Home Learning, and Lockdown in 2020 has made us all realise that learning can happen at home, at school, on the beach, or in the woods on a family walk. Thank you for all the support you give your child.

In case of further school closures due to the pandemic, we will continue to set work and support online. We have used Seesaw, however we now use Microsoft Teams to set and collect Home Learning tasks.

Spellings, and Maths are sent home regularly via Edshed. At the start of each half term, we will send you a newsletter explaining our learning and how you can support that at home.

In addition, here are some suggestions for home activities to supplement learning with your child.


  • Read every day. This can be either by yourself, or with a sibling or grown up.
  • Talk about books – find out what your grown-up’s favourite books were when they were children.
  • Create a book review of any book you finish, to be displayed in our book corners.
  • Film yourself reading a story, we can share these in class during story time.
  • Oxford Owl website have many free books online for children to read and listen to.
  • Storyline Online also have a bank of stories.
  • At the bottom of the page are some reading comprehensions to work through with your child. The answers are included to aid the discussion.


  • Continue to learn your times tables.
  • Watch YouTube times tables songs –  Numberock ones are particularly good.
  • TTRockstars – check for any competitions. How much can you improve your accuracy and speed?
  • MathShed – check for assignments and just play for fun.
  • Sumdog – explore and learn by playing games.
  • Top Marks -  explore and learn using the interactive games.

Spelling and Handwriting

  • SpellingShed for your weekly spellings. You can also click ‘More list’ to access the statutory spellings for all year groups.
  • If your child has access to Nessy, practise on this daily.
  • Letter join to practise handwriting. This site includes videos on how we join at Preston. Details on how to login are at the bottom of the page.

Other Resources

  • Play board games which include money-such as monopoly.
  • Traditional games such as snakes and ladders, noughts and crosses.
  • Word based board games such as Boggle, Scrabble, Hangman.
  • Children are encouraged to be creative whilst at home. They could share baking activities with parents, junk modelling, art from recycled products, collages.
  • Write and illustrate story books for themselves, or for younger children.
  • Twinkl have also temporarily made free access possible for everybody, so children can go onto this site to access many educational activities, as well as activities linked to their group’s spellings (along side other areas of the curriculum.) This link will direct you to register a login. Please use the following promotional code: UKTWINKLHELPS 

Please find below additional resources to work through with your child at your leisure.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075