Charities & Giving

At Preston, we actively connect with our wider community by supporting charities and local causes. Making a positive difference reinforces our school values, school aims and fills us with pride. We're proud that our pupils think of others and are eager to help those in need.

Making a difference

Contributing time to charity helps good causes and empowers our pupils to develop creativity, compassion, and empathy. Through fundraising and using their talents, our pupils make a positive impact on a number of charities.

Fundraising in our Houses

Our House Captains have chosen a local charity for their house to support. After thorough research, the House Captains selected causes that align with our school values and address meaningful issues in our community. Here are the chosen charities: 

  • Broadsands House: Therapy Dogs Nationwide – supporting emotional well-being through animal-assisted therapy.  
  • Meadfoot House: Torbay Mencap – promoting inclusion and providing essential support for individuals with learning difficulties.
  • Goodrington House:  Torbay Salvation Army – helping vulnerable individuals and families in need with food, shelter and support service.  ‍
  • Livermead House: Rowcroft Hospice – providing compassionate care for people with life-limiting illnesses and their families.  

The House Captains have worked with the members of their house from across the school to select and plan a fundraising event to raise money for their chosen charity. Additionally, the House Captains wrote to their chosen charities and invited them into school where all charities delivered a special assembly about the impactful work that charity has done.

Torbay and Devon Year 6 Civic Award

The Torbay and Devon Year 6 Civic Award encourages Year 6 pupils to engage in a year-long journey of personal growth and community service. This award aims to develop well-rounded, confident, and caring individuals ready to make a positive impact. There are two main areas of the Civic Award which relate directly to charity and giving.

Active Citizenship in the School Community involves pupils taking on roles that promote a supportive environment within their own school. Children may support lunch times within the hall for younger children, host read alouds on the KS1 playground or help in the Foundation Stage classes. 

Active Citizenship in the Local Community sees pupils extending their impact beyond the school gates. They might help keep local beaches clean, help others, or organise charity and fundraising events to support local causes. Children  also set up and organise a bake sale where all donations go towards their chosen charity. 

Through these activities, develop practical skills, confidence, and a lifelong commitment to community service.

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