Preston Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils.

Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility
At Preston Primary we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the health, physical and emotional welfare of all pupils. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and feel safe to share worries with trusted adults. We are alert to the signs of abuse, exploitation and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive the effective support, protection and justice that they deserve.
To find out about specific forms of child abuse visit:
It is our duty to ensure we work together with families, professionals and services to:
- Protect children from maltreatment and take action to enable best outcomes,
- Prevent impairment to a child's health and development,
- Promote safe, consistent and effective care,
- Provide a stimulating and secure environment where children are valued and respected.
To do this we have a wide range of policies and procedures in place to ensure everyone in our school community is aware of their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding children. Our safeguarding policy aims to keep the child in focus at all times and any action taken by the school is actioned with this in mind.We believe that all children have the right to:
- Speak out and be heard,
- Stay safe,
- Get help when they need it,
- Be protected when their parents and school work together.
An open culture that informs children of their rights, encourages them to speak about their worries and to challenge controversial, extremist or stereotypical views is promoted through the development of individual character and is delivered through our values-based curriculum. It is our aim, through the diverse educational experiences we provide across the school, to enable our children to feel safe and confident to stand up for what they believe to be true and to know that their views can affect valuable change for themselves and others. If you are worried about a child, please share your concern because it may help to keep a child safe. You can share a safeguarding worry with any member of our staff who will treat your concerns with professional confidentiality. They will guide you and pass your worry on to the designated Safeguarding and Pastoral Team who will then advise you on ways to report you concern to the relevant services, if appropriate, and ensure the right support for children and families is put in place as quickly as possible.If you have any questions about our safeguarding and child protection procedures, please contact a member of our Safeguarding and Pastoral Team:
Our School Safeguarding Team
Jane Stead - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Alice Pettitt - Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher for Children Looked after by the Local Authority.
Lisa Shepherd - Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support Worker
Sharon Jordain - Attendance Lead and Pastoral Administrator
Melissa Oliver - Headteacher
You can contact any member of the Safeguarding Team directly via email: Safeguarding Director is Christian Jenkins

Torbay Safeguarding Children’s Board:
Tel: 01803 207176
For information about how to protect children, please visit the NSPCC website:
Adult Line Tel: 0808 800 5000
Useful Safeguarding Resources and Guidance
Link to National Safeguarding Guidance:
Please click this link to view resources from the Devon Children and Adults Mental Health services (CAMHs):
Connect Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy: Connect Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy