Friends of Preston Primary School
The school has a very active and successful PTA, called FOPPS, which is made up of parents, teachers, friends of the school and other staff.

FOPPS are a registered charity whose main aims are to raise funds for Preston Primary School, and to create wonderful memories and experiences for the children and families. We organise various activities and events throughout the year for everyone to take part in, as well as funding special visitors into school.
We are very grateful to FOPPS for helping create events with a wonderful atmosphere, and the enjoyment of the children at the heart of all they do.
All parents and carers with children at Preston Primary School automatically become members of FOPPS, and your support at any of our events will be greatly received. We would also love you to come to us with new ideas and suggestions of different events that we could hold enabling us to raise money for the school and our children within it.
Our committee meetings are held each term and the Annual General Meeting, where committee members are elected, is usually held during the Autumn term.
You can contact FOPPS via
Chair – Sophie Tombs Cousins
Secretary – Gemma Rundle
Treasurer – April Hopkins