School Meals
The food children eat at school plays an important role in their wellbeing, and eating a well-balanced diet will not only maintain and improve their health, but will also set them on the right track for later life.

Our school meals are provided by ABM, who serve fresh, high quality, and locally sourced food cooked in our kitchen.
- School meals include main course and a dessert. In addition, this includes freshly baked bread, a salad bar and a refreshing fruit-infused Hydration Station.
- Meals must be pre-booked and pre-paid online via your Arbor account.
- All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to school meals at no charge.
- Children in years 3 to 6 who are not entitled to free school meals*, the current price of school meals is £2.60 per day.
Special Diet Request Form must be completed for children who have any allergies or intolerances. Please refer to the ABM Special Diets Procedure letter for more information.
*Free school meals are provided for children in years 3 to 6 (KS2) of parents in receipt of Income Support and Child Tax Credit (with no award of Working Tax Credit) and Income Based Jobseekers Allowance. An official application form must be completed (see attached resources) and returned to the School Office. No distinction exists in the school between children who pay and those who receive free school meals.