Our School Day & School Organisation
Find all of the information you need to understand how our school is structured and what our daily routine looks like.

Pupil Admissions
We are delighted that you are interested in Preston Primary School. We are very proud of our school and the happy, calm atmosphere that has been created.
Please contact the School Office on 01803 607075 or admin@preston.torbay.sch.uk if you have any questions.
When there is a space available, we will ask you to contact Torbay Council Admissions who are the local admissions authority. If you are successful, they will ask you to contact the school again, and we will agree a tour, and a starting date, and begin to plan an appropriate induction programme with you. Our admissions policies are available on our policies page here.
School Structure
Preston Primary School has a Pupil Admissions Number (PAN) of 45 children per year group. Because of our PAN in each year group, our school is structured into mixed age classes as follows:
Key Stage 1 (Unit 2) – three classes of children in Year 1 and 2
Lower Key Stage 2 (Unit 3) - three classes of children in Year 3 and 4
Upper Key Stage 2 (Unit 4) - three classes of children in Year 5 and 6
When children join Preston Primary School in Foundation Stage, they are structured into two classes called Puffins and Penguins (Unit 1)
School Timings
- 8.35am - Main gates open
- 8.45am - Main gates shut and register takes place (Children come through main reception if gates are shut and will be marked late)
- 10.00am - Morning break
- 12.00-1.00pm - Lunch
- 3.15pm - School day finishes
Foundation Stage and Unit 2 children will be collected from the KS1 playground. Children in Unit 3 and 4 will be escorted to the top of the school drive (outside main reception). Teachers are available after school if you want to discuss any matters with them.
Breakfast and Afterschool Club
We are proud to offer Breakfast and After School Club child care provisions at Preston Primary. These clubs are enjoyed by a number of children from across the school age range, and children can participate in various activities and crafts.