Times Table Rockstars
We want all of our pupils to be able to recall times table facts with accuracy and speed. To support children with developing this skill, we use Times Tables Rock Stars from Year 2 through to Year 6.

Times Table Rockstars
Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) is an online programme for times table practise that is both effective and motivational. At the start of the year, your child will receive their login details which will allow them access to TTRS where to improve their accuracy and speed of times table recall and, should they wish, opportunities to compete against their classmates. Below are the different game modes that children can play to learn their times tables in a fun and engaging way.
Game Modes
Single Player Modes:
- Garage: Tailored to the individual player, focusing on the tables they need to work on. Questions are adjusted to their skill level.
- Studio: Tests all tables up to 12 × 12. This mode is used to calculate the player's "Rock Speed," determining their overall speed and ranking.
- Soundcheck: Focuses on answering questions within 6 seconds, simulating the UK Year 4 multiplication tables check.
- Jamming: Allows players to choose which tables they want to practice, giving them full control.

Multiplayer Modes:
- Festival: Compete against players from around the world in real-time on a mixed set of multiplication tables.
- Arena: Compete live against classmates in the same class on a set of tables chosen by the teacher.
- Rock Slam: Challenge a specific friend or player by setting a score for them to beat.

Heat Maps
When it comes to times tables, bursts of daily practise are more effective than spending hours once a week.
On Times Table Rockstars there is a heat map tool which tracks a player's progress and accuracy on individual multiplication facts. It shows which multiplication facts the player is strong at (highlighted in green) and which need improvement (highlighted in red or orange). Children can add to their heat maps when regularly practising on TTRS and playing in the Garage, Studio, and Soundcheck game modes only.

Times Table Rock Stars is accessible through internet browsers at Times Tables Rock Stars: Play or via the Times Table Rock Stars app, available for download on phones and tablets from the App Store or Play Store.