Parents & Carers

At Preston Primary, we value our relationship with parents and carers. We have lots of useful information to help you to support your child at school.

Teacher helping a student with their learning.
Our duty to families

Together, we can empower children to thrive in their primary education and beyond.

Can I request leave in term time and how can I do this?

Please complete and return an absence request form with as much detail as possible, with as much notice as possible (link to form). A paper copy can be collected from the school office. We are unable to authorise any holidays during term time.

How can I check on my child’s progress in school?

We hold Parents’ Evenings in school in the Autumn Term and Spring Term, as well as provide a report at the end of the academic year in the Summer Term. We welcome parents/carers to speak to class teachers for updates at any point in the academic year as they will be more than happy to speak to you. For children with additional needs, parents will get updates more regularly from the class teacher and are welcome to meet with the SENDCo, Ms Jane Stead.

How can I contact my child’s teacher?

If your child is in Foundation Stage (Puffins and Penguins) or Unit 2 (Tawny Owls, Snowy Owls or Little Owls) the best way to communicate with your child’s class teacher is at drop-off in the morning or at collection at home time for short conversations (please bear in mind that at drop-off the teacher will have children in their care so might not be able to give a large amount of time). For children in Unit 3 and 4 please communicate with your child’s teacher at collection time. For longer conversations, please e-mail the school office.

Email: to arrange an appointment or call the office.
Telephone: 01803 607075

How can my child get a place at your school?

This is all handled by Torbay Admissions –

Torbay Admissions will let you know if there are any places available or not. If there is a place available please phone or email into the school office to arrange a tour.

01803 607075 

My child needs medication in school, what do I do?

Please take medication to the school reception and complete an administration of medicines in school form. Click here for the form. (link) All medication needs to be dropped off and collected by an adult. 

What is the procedure for reporting a child’s absence?

We ask parents to make contact with the school on each morning of absence, and our Attendance Officer will follow up with parents that we have not heard from on the same morning.

To report your child's absence, please contact us by phone and leave a message on the Absence Line, send an Arbor in-app message, or email. Please state the symptoms/nature of illness.

Preston Primary Absence Line: 01803 607589

Please ensure that your child is at school every day unless: • they are too ill to attend (not minor illness) • hospital appointment (non-routine) • Doctor or Dental appointment (urgent and cannot be arranged outside school hours - medical evidence should be provided, i.e., a copy of an appointment text or reminder,appointment card, appointment email, or letter)

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