Primary Education
Our curriculum builds in a cyclical manner enabling pupils to revisit prior learning and make links with their new skills and knowledge.

Our curriculum is highly ambitious and aspirational for our children as we passionately believe that all children have a right to a high-quality education. We encourage each child to develop a love of learning.
An Innovative Curriculum
We pride ourselves on our strong and rich curriculum. It is at the heart of all we do, and it goes beyond the lessons we deliver. It is our strong culture, environment and teaching approaches as well as the wide set of experiences we offer.
An Inclusive School
Our integrated approach involves all children, including those in the Enhanced Provision. Our children are particularly nurturing and supportive of each other because they work alongside others who have differences and are neurodiverse. We are inclusive through our high-quality adaptive teaching. We use digital technology to give all our pupils the ability to demonstrate and share their learning.
Strong Relationships
Our school culture is built on the positive and effective relationships children form with each other and with the staff. Children build trusted and secure relationships with adults. We know our children as individuals, we listen to them and invest time in them, so children have a sense of belonging and feeling of safety. We value the relationship we have with parents and carers and it is central to our nurturing approach.
Our Approach to Primary Education
We believe that primary education should provide the building blocks for children to reach their full potential. We want to prepare our children for a successful future and to become well-rounded citizens.

How can I check on my child’s progress in school?
We hold Parents’ Evenings in school in the Autumn Term and Spring Term, as well as provide a report at the end of the academic year in the Summer Term. We welcome parents/carers to speak to class teachers for updates at any point in the academic year as they will be more than happy to speak to you. For children with additional needs, parents will get updates more regularly from the class teacher and are welcome to meet with the SENDCo, Ms Jane Stead.