Preston Primary School is overseen by a governing body, ensuring that we are managed and monitored in an effective, transparent way that benefits all our pupils.

Our Local Governing Body
Preston Primary School has an active Local Governing Body and consists of eight members: one parent governor, four staff governors and three community co-opted governors.
Our governors are volunteers who come from a range of backgrounds. They contribute their knowledge, skills and experience for the benefit of the school. All governors are appointed by the Governing Body. They meet termly to act as a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher and monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making both academically and within its community.
Our Local Governors:
- Melissa Oliver - Headteacher
- Esther Rolinski - Vice Chair Governor/Parent Governor
- Keeleigh Treleaven - Associate Governor
- Ruth Beckett - Co-opted Governor
- Pippa Truman Davies - Co-opted Governor
- David Harwood - Co-opted Governor
- Anja Glover - Staff Governor
- Lisa Shepherd - Staff Governor
- Sharon Jordain - Local Governance Professional
“Teaching is a lifelong passion and I’ve had experience as a teacher and as a parent of seven primary schools and nine secondary schools.Therefore I’m pleased to contribute whatever I can as a governor to encourage both staff and children. Governors’ training helps us understand our duties and we also attend meetings and school visits. At meetings we can review what’s happening in school and ask questions of the leadership team as a ‘critical friend’. Visits are also key as, between us, we see the school in action in assemblies, lessons and staff development sessions. Our aim is to help Preston Primary School continue to develop and thrive as a caring, learning community.”
(Ruth Beckett, governor)
“As governors, we have a unique opportunity to understand the way in which education is delivered to our children, both through meetings with the governing body, and direct observation within the school. This regular contact demonstrates to us the high standards the school is reaching, and the many ways in which the leadership team are continually striving to improve further and develop all aspects of the school and curriculum. Our views as governors are valued and can positively impact on the children and their learning. It is a privilege to give something back to a school which gives so much to all the children in its care.”
(Esther Rolinski, parent governor)
Further information about Connect, our committees and governance can be found on the Connect Academy Trust website.