Read Write Inc

We teach early reading though Read Write Inc. to help our pupils become fluent readers, confident speakers, and enthusiastic writers, fostering essential lifelong literacy skills.

We teach early reading using the Read Write Inc. programme. RWINC. is a structured and systematic approach to teaching phonics. 

All words are made up of individual sounds. These sounds are blended together to form words.​ e.g. in ‘mat’ we have the sounds ‘m’, ‘a’, ‘t’, ship – ‘sh’, ‘i’, ‘p’.​

A grapheme is another name for the letters we use to write the sound. It’s spelling of a sound on the page. ​

Using phonics, children learn to read by saying each sound and blending them to read a word.​ Children learn to spell by segmenting a word into sounds and writing the matching graphemes.​ 

We use 44 sounds to make all the words in the English language. ​This is tricky because we’ve got 44 sounds and only 26 letters!

The 26 letters work singularly, in pairs and sometimes in threes to represent one sound - we have to group letters together to write some sounds e.g. ‘igh’, ‘air’. Over the course of their learning of phonics, children will gradually and progressively learn all 44 sounds to develop reading fluency. 

If your child is in Unit 1 or Unit 2 they have a daily RWInc lesson and will bring home books matched to the sounds they have been learning. Reading is at the centre of our learning at Preston - we believe that fluent reading is key to future success at primary school and opening up the children's worlds and opportunities. 

On this page, you will find resources and videos available to give you more information about the RWInc programme and how you can support your child with their early reading. 

Please follow the below link to watch a video on how you can support your child with learning to read using their Read Write Inc books at home.

Parents and Carers - Ruth Miskin Literacy

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