We believe all children are able to achieve their full potential. At our school we build positive and effective relationships with our children, so they are nurtured to thrive academically, socially and emotionally.

All children deserve the very best possible start to their education and we aim to enrich the lives of all our pupils.
All children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are welcome at our School. Children with SEND may need specific adaptations to the learning environment or activities, extra help or support, or special provision made for them to allow them to have the same opportunities as others of the same age.
At Preston Primary, all teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs and the class teacher, who knows the child best in school, should be the first port of call for parents to discuss their child’s needs. Preston has a team of staff who may be involved in supporting your child, in addition to their class teacher, and who can also deliver targeted intervention for all four areas of special educational need as outlined in the SEND code of practice which are:
- cognition and learning,
- communication and interaction,
- social, emotional and mental health and,
- physical and sensory.
In addition, we have a SENDCo who oversees and coordinates the support, intervention, provision and progress of all pupils on the SEN register.
The SENDCo for Preston Primary School is Jane Stead who is also the designated safeguarding, pastoral and ASC provision lead. If you have any questions or enquiries regarding our SEND provision, please contact Jane Stead on 01803 607075 or via the pastoral team email:
Please use links to our SEND policy and information report in addition to further information which can be found via links to Torbay Council SEND Services:
- Torbay Council’s SEND website provides support, guidance and information for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Torbay:
- SENDIASS Torbay provides free information, advice and support for parents of children and young people with SEND:
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust are working with Action for Children, The Children’s Society and Torbay Council as the 0 to 19 Torbay Partnership to promote the health, development and well-being of children, young people and families in the local area: About | 0 to 19 Torbay
“Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), participate and learn together as much as possible.”
(Ofsted Report July 2023)