Our School
We aim to prepare our children for the future through our innovative and inclusive curriculum. We are inclusive through our high-quality adaptive teaching. Our core values and school aims permeate all aspects of school life and we push our children to be the best they can be so they can have greater life choices.

An outstanding coastal school known for an innovative curriculum that delivers excellent outcomes for children.
We are continually striving to develop every individual so they can grow and develop the skills that they will need to be successful in life. We take pride in our broad and innovative curriculum offer and the range of incredible experiences and opportunities children of Preston Primary can access. To ensure everyone achieves excellent outcomes, all learning happens through the lens of our three school aims: to create a love of learning for all our pupils, guide them to understand what it means to be a positive citizen in society, and to prepare them for a world of work that could be very different to today. We believe that through our values that are linked to our school aims, we are guided in all we do.
“Staff are ambitious for pupils. They ensure that learning helps prepare pupils for their adult lives.”
(Ofsted 2023)
“Leaders have a clear rationale for the curriculum. They prioritise broadening pupils’ experiences and preparing them for the future.”
(Ofsted 2023)