E-Safety in Schools
How can we be safe online?

At Preston Primary School, our pupils are taught about e-safety and how to be responsible online citizens within our class discussions, whole school assemblies, computing curriculum, and our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) lessons.
We believe that working with our parent community to learn about the benefits of our children becoming technologically prepared to use the internet positively, whilst enabling them to be safe from potential online harms, is important, but recognise this can often seem a daunting task when there is so much content and information we, and our children, can encounter.
During this term, we will email you fortnightly updates which we hope will provide you with valuable information about what you can do and how you can to talk to or support your child in this ever-growing part of their lives where the internet, smart devices, gaming consoles and screens are accessible to them everywhere.
The first step is to regularly talk to your child about their technology and online activities. Ask them how they stay safe and where they would go for help if it was needed. Ask them to reflect on how they and different members of your family use the internet, phones, laptops, smart speakers/TVs/watches, tablets and gaming or social media networks.
A really helpful resource can be accessed via the UK Safer Internet Centre link or, for younger children, you could explore the NSPCC’s new ‘Technosaurus’ resources and 4 key messages. Here are the links:
Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre
Help keep children safe online with Techosaurus! | NSPCC
If you have any questions or queries about e-safety, please speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of the Pastoral Team.