Unit 2
In Unit 2, our Snowy Owls, Little Owls, and Tawny Owls classes build on the foundation laid in Reception, further developing their literacy, numeracy, and social skills. As they grow and thrive, children become more independent and confident learners, while forming strong relationships with their peers and teachers.

What are we learning?
For more details about what we’re learning each half-term, please refer to our attached Unit newsletter. You’ll also find our Knowledge Organisers, which provide in-depth information about our Long Enquiry subjects (Design and Technology, Geography, Art, History, Computing, and Music), as well as Science and RE. These organisers are a fantastic resource to explore your child’s learning and engage in meaningful discussions together.
Home Link Seesaw
Each week, class teachers will proudly upload photos of your child’s learning in class onto Home Link Seesaw. This platform allows you to celebrate your child’s achievements and progress from home. It’s a wonderful way to talk to your child about their learning and encourage their confidence!
Home Learning
Children who are part of a Read Write Inc. Group:
In school, we encourage children to read daily. RWI books will come home on a Friday, the children will have gained experience reading these books at school and will enjoy reading to you with their ‘storytellers voice’. We expect children to read at home daily to encourage fluency and expressive reading aloud.
Big Readers:
In Big Read, children will come home with a library book which adequately challenges them as a reader. For these books, Big Readers take quizzes on Accelerated Reader (AR) about the books and earn points for this. Accelerated Reader assesses children’s comprehension of what they have read. Big Readers are also expected to log on to AR at home to quiz on the books they read at home. At the end of the half term, we will be giving certificates to every child who reaches their own individual target for points earned. To support passion and progression, we expect Big Readers to read daily at home for at least 15 minutes. Please support and encourage your child in this by listening to them read aloud often and talking about what they have read to help develop comprehension skills and develop an inquisitive nature about books. It is also beneficial for children to hear you read aloud to them regularly to help develop and maintain a love for reading. Modelling your own love of reading can really help your child’s reading progress.
To complete Accelerated Reader quizzes at home, please follow this link: Renaissance Learning Login
All children also visit our school library weekly and will take home a reading for pleasure book. These are great books for reading aloud to your child.
Each week, children in Unit 2 will have new spellings. Each week children will be learning either a new spelling rule or learn and practise the common exception words. Children also have identified personal spellings which are to be practised across the term. Personal spellings have been identified as words that have been misspelt previously. Unit 2 children will come home with their orange home link books – the children’s weekly spellings are in their home link books and personal spellings are highlighted in yellow.
We recommend that spellings are practised for 10-15 minutes each day at home to support with learning, remembering and embedding spelling patterns.
To support children’s mathematical fluency, we encourage them to access engaging apps such as Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. The login information for both TTRS and Numbots is the same.
We recommend that Year 1 access Numbots and Year 2 access both Numbots and Times Table Rockstars where the 2,5,10 times tables are set. In Year 2, children begin to learn their 2s, 5s and 10 times tables.
Numbots: Numbots Game
Times Table Rockstars: Times Tables Rock Stars: Play
Long Enquiry
Each half term, we set a Long Enquiry project. Our Long Enquiry subjects are: Design and Technology, Geography, Art, History, Computing and Music. On our Unit half-termly newsletter we will write about the Long Enquiry project for that half term, which will link to what we are learning in school. Click on this half-term’s newsletter to see what our Long Enquiry project is this half term.
Physical Education
Our PE days in Unit 2 are:
- Little Owls: Monday
- Tawny Owls: Wednesday
- Snowy Owls: Friday
Please can all children arrive to school wearing their PE kit on their designated day. Below is our PE uniform expectations:
- Plain white full length t-shirt/polo shirt and school jumper or cardigan
- Plain black/navy blue shorts of appropriate length (during the colder months children can wear black or navy jogging bottoms or leggings)
- Plimsolls/Trainers
If you would like to contact your child's class teacher, you are welcome to talk to them at pick up times, or contact us at: admin@preston.torbay.sch.uk