Transition to Early Years Foundation Stage
Transitioning to a reception class is an exciting milestone for young children and their families. Here at Preston Primary, we pride ourselves on ensuring the best possible start for all of our Reception children.

Transition is a time for you and your child to become familiar with the school, staff and routines so that your child has the most settled start to school life as possible.
Communication is important and we start building relationships even before your child starts school in September.
A series of events take place between May and September. Below is an example of our comprehensive transition timeline.
Transition Timeline
Confirmation - You will receive confirmation from the local authority that your child has been offered a place at Preston Primary.
Acceptance - You will need to send an e-mail to Preston Primary accepting the school place.
Documentation - School registration forms and other important documents will need to be completed.
Welcome Communication - You will receive a welcome e-mail and video from the Early Years Foundation Stage Lead.
Teacher Communication - Foundation Teachers will communicate with the relevant nurseries and childminders where applicable.
Transition Meeting - Every parent and carer attends an online personalised transition meeting. This is an opportunity for adults to meet and talk to one of the Foundation Stage teachers and ask any transition questions.
Welcome Booklet - You will receive (via e-mail) a ‘Welcome Booklet’which will hopefully answer many of your starting school questions and is always good booklet to refer back to.
Play Sessions - Children are invited to attend two play sessions in school.
Starting Big School Book - Children will also receive a ‘Starting Big School’ book which is filled with lots of pictures of their new school. Children can keep these books and keep referring to them to help familiarise themselves with their new school.
All About Me Form - You will receive an ‘All About Me’ form to complete with your child. This helps teachers to learn more about each child's interests.
Seesaw - Access will be provided to ‘Seesaw’ our online learning platform. This will be used throughout the Summer holidays to communicate with children, parents and carers. Teachers will post activities and stories on Seesaw. This is an opportunity for your child to familiarise themselves with the school and the adults that will be working with them.
This timeline outlines the key steps and activities to ensure a smooth transition for your child into reception class at Preston Primary, emphasizing the importance of building relationships and familiarity with the new school environment.
A full Transition Timeline is updated each year and shared with parents and carers.