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Primary School

Whole School News

Please find a selection of our latest curriculum innovations at Preston Primary School. To meet our vision for Preston, every member of staff is encouraged as a leader to take curriculum risks for children. Our assemblies, Learning Enquiries, Enrichments, and Clubs are all designed to give every child opportunities to grow into robust and happy lifelong learners.

Our Vision: An outstanding coastal school known for an innovative curriculum that delivers excellent outcomes for children.

Please click on the links to see what is happening in each Unit.

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  • 12/11/21

    Remembrance Assembly

    Yesterday, Unit 4 presented their Remembrance Assembly to Unit 3. The children explained why you should take time to reflect, especially on Remembrance Day. We would like to thank Mr Carpenter and Reverend Pout for joining our Assembly, where they shared some readings and reflections about Remembran...
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  • 04/10/21

    Thank You, Rotary

    A huge thank you to the Preston Rotary Club for buying a ‘Watch Out’ book for every child in Year 5 and 6. This book is to support the children in learning to keep themselves safe. The book includes topics such as car safety, water safety, and respect for animals. We hope all t...
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  • 01/10/21

    Sports Day Smiles

    Thank you all for playing your part in our very successful Sports Day yesterday.  The children were so excited, and thoroughly loved competing in front of a cheering crowd. Their smiles and sheer enjoyment was uplifting to witness. My staff all commented how wonderful the cheering was. We...
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  • 29/09/21

    School Council

    Democracy is an important British value that we want all the children at Preston to know about. This is why our School Council is important — to allow our children to voice their opinions. On Thursday last week, every class in KS1 and KS2 held hustings to vote for their class school counc...
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  • 17/09/21

    Torbay Parent Carer Forum

    Torbay are in the process of setting up a new Parent and Carer Forum to enable parents of children with additional needs to contribute to developing services within the local community that can support better outcomes for their children.  Please see information below about this group, which has...
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  • 14/09/21


    On Friday, we welcomed our MP, Kevin Foster, who came to our assembly to explain why Democracy is important. He encouraged children to consider being a candidate for our School Council elections. We are all aware that Democracy is under threat around the world, and it is important to educate why it...
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  • 22/07/21

    Eco Committee Update

    We would like to introduce you to Preston Primary School’s new Eco-committee. The Eco-team is all about raising awareness of environmental issues and making our planet a better place to live. The committee works hard to improve the school environment. Last year’s committee came up wit...
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  • 15/07/21

    New Seating Stand Completed!

    Wonderful news! Our new seating stand on our school field is now complete. Just in time for the diggers and lorries to turn up next Friday afternoon to start laying the astro turf pitch. So, by September, classes will be able to play and participate in sport every day, whatever the weather. They wil...
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  • 15/07/21

    Future Skills and Digital Award

    A big thank you to two of our parents who have donated Year 6 Leavers’ Awards on behalf of their companies. Thank you to Mr Bidmead for the Future Skills Award presented on behalf of Space Group. This award recognises the skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creati...
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  • 08/07/21

    Online Safeguarding Alert

    Online safety experts have alerted us, via the Torbay Safeguarding Hub, to an extremely dangerous website and app called ‘Monkey’, which allows users to have video calls with strangers. The platform markets itself as ‘an alternative to Omegle, with a TikTok vibe’. E...
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  • 07/07/21

    Beach Trips For The Whole School!

    Today we have had our last Beach Trip. Over the past few days, the whole school has visited Preston Sands. It has been marvellous to see our children playing and digging and smiling and laughing together. Our School Beach Hut has been very useful as a base for our equipment (especially the biscuits...
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  • 16/06/21

    Woodland Camp Classroom is craned in over the Swimming Pool, into position

    We are excited that our new Woodland Camp Classroom has arrived. It will enable us to teach outside more often. This brings a wealth of benefits to our children. They will have more opportunities to learn through play and collaboration. Our Woodland Camp is a place to develop skills of Critical Thin...
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Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075