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Primary School

Whole School News

Please find a selection of our latest curriculum innovations at Preston Primary School. To meet our vision for Preston, every member of staff is encouraged as a leader to take curriculum risks for children. Our assemblies, Learning Enquiries, Enrichments, and Clubs are all designed to give every child opportunities to grow into robust and happy lifelong learners.

Our Vision: An outstanding coastal school known for an innovative curriculum that delivers excellent outcomes for children.

Please click on the links to see what is happening in each Unit.

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  • 25/02/20

    Welcome to our new animals

    Today, we welcomed two new rabbits and two new guinea pigs. Thank you to the Robinson family for donating them. Looking after our animals is an important way for us to teach children about our school values. We are toying with the idea of the rabbits or guinea pigs going home with pupils at we...
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  • 13/02/20

    New Books!

    At Preston Primary School we are committed to installing a love of reading into our children. We like to ensure that our library has up to date, interesting, and fun books for the children to read, and we aim to have a wide range of genres and authors. To this end, we invest periodically in new...
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  • 12/02/20

    Fair Trade - Be A Good Citizen

    Today, in assembly, we welcomed Lindsay Williams from Christian Aid to explain to the children about the Fair Trade logo on products and what it stands for. As part of our work on 'being a good citizen', we are seeking out every opportunity for the children to discuss the important issu...
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  • 07/02/20

    Seesaw. New Online Innovation for Preston!

    Seesaw is an online platform for student engagement. Teachers can empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate. Students “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. We use our new iPads and Seesaw to foster the skills needed for the future...
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  • 05/02/20

    Our New Eco Committee

    Today, our new Eco Committee met Mr Armstrong, the Premises Manager for our Trust. They challenged him to look at ways to reduce our energy use. They discussed ways for school to produce electricity, such as solar panels and wind turbines. This work is part of our drive to teach children what it mea...
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  • 14/01/20

    Preston Leading the Way

    Teachers from schools across Torbay visited Preston's Innovation Lounge today. They came to see how we use iPads and digital technology to help improve children's writing. The children explained how innovations in teachers' marking impacts on the quality of their writing. It was great to...
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  • 09/01/20

    What Makes Preston Primary School Unique?

    What makes Preston Primary School unique? As a staff we have spent time discussing what makes Preston Primary unique. We have distilled our long list down to three things: We are constantly striving to be innovative in our curriculum ideas and design. This ensures a fun, exciting curriculum...
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  • 29/11/19

    Christmas Events

    Monday 9th December - Civic Award Fayre in the Hall at 2:30pm   Friday 13th December - Christmas Fayre 3.15pm–5.00pm Children can come to school that day in non-uniform, and please bring a prize for the tombola: FS & KS1 (years R, 1, 2) – a decorated jar of sweets or...
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  • 14/11/19

    Pupils Enjoy Live Music Performance

    All children from Foundation up to Year 6 were treated to a live music performance on Wednesday afternoon. We welcomed two gifted musicians into school from Live Music Now, called Ensemble Hesperi. They travelled from London and performed traditional Scottish music using recorders and a harpsichord...
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  • 11/11/19

    Times Tables Rock Stars Competition

    Maths Week England 2019
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  • 07/11/19

    Pop-Up Cafe

    Over the Winter, our Pop-Up Café will be open every Friday at the end of the school day. Teachers will take it in turns to bring children to serve drinks and snacks. Every Friday there will be hot chocolate with cream and mini marshmallows. We will also have biscuits and sausage rolls cooked...
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Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075