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Primary School

Whole School News

Please find a selection of our latest curriculum innovations at Preston Primary School. To meet our vision for Preston, every member of staff is encouraged as a leader to take curriculum risks for children. Our assemblies, Learning Enquiries, Enrichments, and Clubs are all designed to give every child opportunities to grow into robust and happy lifelong learners.

Our Vision: An outstanding coastal school known for an innovative curriculum that delivers excellent outcomes for children.

Please click on the links to see what is happening in each Unit.

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  • 18/01/19


    We need to keep everyone safe at school at all times. Please be advised that parking spots on the drive are for staff and visitors. When our After School Activities Clubs finish at 4:15pm, we request that you do not park on the school drive. Thank you for your support to keep all our children safe...
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  • 20/12/18

    Key Stage 2 Carol Concert

    In the evening of Monday 17th December, Units 3 and 4 took part in the Key Stage 2 Carol Concert at St Paul’s Church in Preston. The children sang beautifully in the church, and the variety of both traditional and popular Christmas songs really put everyone in the Christmas spirit. We would li...
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  • 13/12/18

    School Choir Sing at Rowcroft

    A small group of children from the choir travelled on the school minibus to Rowcroft Hospice yesterday afternoon. We had been invited by Rowcroft to sing a few Christmas songs in their Chapel for the residents to enjoy. This was a wonderful opportunity to connect with an important local charity...
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  • 10/12/18

    Civic Award Charity Market

    Thank you to everyone who came to help the year 6 children raise money for their Civic Award last Monday. Together, they raised £201 for various charities. We are very proud of the independence and determination these children have shown in setting up their stalls and selling their goods. A hu...
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  • 07/12/18

    Parent Focus Groups

    Thank you to all the parents who came in for our recent Parent Focus Groups. Parents and teachers discussed future Learning Experience ideas together. This is the first time we have included parents in planning our lessons, and it generated lots of fresh innovation. The minutes of these three m...
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  • 06/12/18

    Preston Supports Rotary Shoebox Scheme

    School Value - Responsibility
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  • 06/12/18

    Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

    One of our parents is training a puppy for the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People charity. We are supporting this socialising training by allowing Mrs Colombini on site with the black Labrador puppy during the school run, so please be aware that you may see him around in the next few weeks. This link...
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  • 30/11/18

    2018 Christmas Events

    Thursday 13th December, Unit 4 Viking Outcome - Woodland Camp at 2pm Friday 14th December, Christmas Fayre 3:15pm-5pm - Children can come to school that day in non uniform and please bring a prize for the tombola: FS & KS1 - a decorated jar of sweets or a small gift KS2 - a bottle (glas...
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  • 28/11/18

    Civic Award Charity Market

    On Monday 3rd December, a group of year 6 students have organised a charity market to raise money for various charities, as part of their Civic Award. Preston Primary believes the Civic Award helps students understand their responsibilities within society. There will be a range of stalls in the scho...
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  • 26/11/18

    Unit 3 and 4 Dental Health Visitor

    Today marked the last morning of Unit 3 and 4s dental health visits from a NHS Oral Health Educator. Children in Unit 3 explored how to take care of their teeth, whilst Unit 4 looked at the impact of sugary food and drinks. It was another excellent opportunity for the children to explore our value o...
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  • 19/11/18

    FOPPS School Lottery

    FOPPS (Friends of Preston Primary School - PTA)  have registered with a School Lottery. The first draw will take place on Saturday 1st December 2018. • Tickets cost just £1 per ticket, per week, and 40% of all ticket sales are donated to our school...
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  • 13/11/18

    Children in Need

    Children in Need, Friday 16th November 2018
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Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075