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Primary School

Whole School News

Please find a selection of our latest curriculum innovations at Preston Primary School. To meet our vision for Preston, every member of staff is encouraged as a leader to take curriculum risks for children. Our assemblies, Learning Enquiries, Enrichments, and Clubs are all designed to give every child opportunities to grow into robust and happy lifelong learners.

Our Vision: An outstanding coastal school known for an innovative curriculum that delivers excellent outcomes for children.

Please click on the links to see what is happening in each Unit.

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  • 09/11/18

    New Library Books

    Our wonderful PTA (FOPPS) have donated £1000 for new books for our library. These books are part of our Accelerated Reader programme and the online questions that accompany the books, will help children progress with their reading. Thank you FOPPS.
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  • 08/11/18

    Preston Teacher Visits Houses of Parliament

    On Tuesday 6th November, Miss Prior was invited to London to visit the Houses of Parliament to take part in a day long seminar focused on how schools’ can encourage children to take an active part in our Government. Our British Values are integral to our learning and have a huge influence o...
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  • 05/11/18

    First Game of the Season

    Preston Blue Sharks played their first game together as a team
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  • 31/10/18

    Rotary Club Campaign

    Year 2 Pupils Plant Crocus Bulbs for Preston Rotary Club
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  • 11/10/18

    Enrichment Trip

    Children enjoy wonderful day at Rare Breeds Farm
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  • 08/10/18

    Holocaust Memorial Garden

    Plaque in place at Holocaust Memorial Garden
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  • 20/09/18

    School Council

    School Council Reps have been chosen!
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  • 11/07/18

    Preston Primary Achieves Gold School Games Mark

    Preston Primary achieves Gold School Games Mark
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Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075