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Primary School

Whole School News

Please find a selection of our latest curriculum innovations at Preston Primary School. To meet our vision for Preston, every member of staff is encouraged as a leader to take curriculum risks for children. Our assemblies, Learning Enquiries, Enrichments, and Clubs are all designed to give every child opportunities to grow into robust and happy lifelong learners.

Our Vision: An outstanding coastal school known for an innovative curriculum that delivers excellent outcomes for children.

Please click on the links to see what is happening in each Unit.

Page 21

  • 21/06/18

    House Captain Day Out

    House Captain Stand Up Paddleboard Experience
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  • 07/06/18

    Sports Day 2018

    Preston Primary School Sports Day, Tuesday 3rd July 2018
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  • 24/05/18

    Preston Primary To Host Trainee Teacher

    Trainee Teacher from Zurich University
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  • 23/05/18

    Multicultural Week

    Multicultural Week at Preston Primary
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  • 23/04/18

    Preston Primary in Football Finals Night

    Angel Sharks and Thresher Sharks in Cup Final on Tuesday 1st May
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  • 29/03/18

    School Value for Summer Term

    Creativity simply means being able to come up with something new.
    Read Full Story

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075