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Primary School

Whole School News

Please find a selection of our latest curriculum innovations at Preston Primary School. To meet our vision for Preston, every member of staff is encouraged as a leader to take curriculum risks for children. Our assemblies, Learning Enquiries, Enrichments, and Clubs are all designed to give every child opportunities to grow into robust and happy lifelong learners.

Our Vision: An outstanding coastal school known for an innovative curriculum that delivers excellent outcomes for children.

Please click on the links to see what is happening in each Unit.

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  • 19/04/24

    Sports Sessions

    This week, Mr Julyan from Paignton Academy came to work with the Barn Owl, Woodpecker, and Buzzards classes. The children were thrilled to try curling, skittles and archery. Proving with the right support, every individual can defy expectations and shine.
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  • 15/04/24

    Music Recital

    We had a delightful music recital from three of our talented pianists last half term. These children have music lessons after school each week with IMS. The girls demonstrated our school value of determination, learning and performing their pieces to an audience. They overcame their nerves and perfo...
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  • 28/03/24

    Happy Easter

    We hope that you all have a restful Easter break. We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday 15th April. Thank you to our wonderful PTA (FOPPS) who have bought an Easter egg for every child in school.
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  • 27/03/24

    Reading Newsletter

    'Reading Matters' issue 11, Spring 2 2024
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  • 26/03/24

    Half Termly Newsletter

    Please find attached our Half Termly Newsletter to celebrate all the wonderful experiences that have happened in school. There are also lots of dates for your diary for the Summer Term - these are always on the school website.
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  • 25/03/24

    Barn Owls and Woodpeckers Trip

    Last week, Barn owls and Woodpeckers visited a local animal sanctuary, Hakuna Matata. Linked to our learning in science, the children were able to be up close with pigs, horses, chickens and giant rabbits. The children met sheep and their lambs, and could reflect on their lifecycle. The childre...
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  • 22/03/24

    Rock Up & Read

    As a whole school, we promote a love of reading through a variety of activities. This week we held ‘Rock Up and Read’ sessions across all units. These are opportunities for families to come into the classroom and read a fantastic range of books with their child. These sessions enable ded...
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  • 11/03/24

    Storyteller Visit

    As part of our World Book Day celebrations, local storyteller, Malou Evans, spent time with each Unit telling inspirational and creative stories. The children were immersed in the stories, and together they were taken on a magical storytelling journey. Children of all ages enjoy listening to and tel...
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  • 11/03/24

    World Book Day

    World Book Day is a wonderful opportunity to promote a ‘love of learning’, one of our school aims. On Friday, the whole school had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day. This annual event is a collaborative celebration of reading, books, authors and illustrators. Reading is at the heart...
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  • 04/03/24

    Artist Visit

    Our Art & Design Curriculum aims to engage, inspire, and challenge all children, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to experiment and invent. Last week, Unit 2 had the opportunity to step into the world of watercolours with the enchanting local artist, Jo Lindsay. Mrs L...
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  • 04/03/24

    Festival of Music

    On Friday 1st March, Preston Primary School Choir showcased their talents at the Torbay Music Festival held at Palace Avenue Theatre, securing second place with 81 marks in the Junior Choir category. For numerous choir members, it marked their debut on a stage.  We are immensely proud of every...
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Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075