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Primary School

Whole School News

Please find a selection of our latest curriculum innovations at Preston Primary School. To meet our vision for Preston, every member of staff is encouraged as a leader to take curriculum risks for children. Our assemblies, Learning Enquiries, Enrichments, and Clubs are all designed to give every child opportunities to grow into robust and happy lifelong learners.

Our Vision: An outstanding coastal school known for an innovative curriculum that delivers excellent outcomes for children.

Please click on the links to see what is happening in each Unit.

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  • 29/02/24

    Maths Teacher Research Group

    At Preston, we are proud of the curriculum we offer our children. It is for this reason that we welcome colleagues from other schools to see and discuss good practice and the impact it has on our children. This week, Maths leaders and senior leaders from across Torbay, were invited to attend a Teach...
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  • 21/02/24


    This half term, our school value we are explicitly teaching is Teamwork. Teamwork is about working with other people and listening to the ideas of others. We will teach the children to: Work well with others. Take on a role in a group, such as a scribe or reporter. Contribute to a group...
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  • 09/02/24

    Connect Games

    Linked to our school aim ‘Love to Learn’, five children were invited to a ‘Connect Games’ archery event today at Thornbury Primary School. ‘Connect Games’ provides the opportunity for children to compete with the other schools within our Trust. This was the first...
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  • 08/02/24

    Half Termly Newsletter

    After a successful start to the New Year, please find attached our Half Termly Newsletter to celebrate all the wonderful experiences that have happened in school. There are also dates for your diary - these are always on the school website.
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  • 10/01/24

    Spatial Reasoning CPD for Staff

    One of our school aims is ‘Love to Learn.’ All staff value the opportunities for personal growth and development and recognise how this benefits our children. Last night, all Teachers and Teaching Assistants took part in some high-quality training to think spatially and explore what spat...
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  • 19/12/23

    12 Books for Christmas - Day 12

    Book Number 12 'You can't let an elephant pull Santa's sleigh'
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  • 18/12/23

    12 Books for Christmas - Day 11

    Book Number 11 'Dasher'
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  • 15/12/23

    12 Books for Christmas - Day 10

    Book Number 10 'The Christmas Department Store'
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  • 14/12/23

    12 Books for Christmas - Day 9

    Book Number 9 'The Christmas Carrolls'
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  • 13/12/23

    12 Books for Christmas - Day 8

    Book Number 8 'How does Santa go down the chimney?'
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Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075