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Primary School

Connect Games

The schools in our Trust have collaborated to create the 'Connect Games'. This is an opportunity for each of the eight schools to host a sporting event for the other schools in the Trust. The Connect Games are staggered across the academic year, and each event is designed with a different pupil focus. The events enable a small number of children to represent their school, compete against others, and have fun being active. 

Today, Preston hosted the first ever 'Connect Games Mini Swimming Gala'. It was attended by Widey Court Primary, Leigham Primary, and Manadon Vale Primary schools. The children took part in various individual races and relays using the strokes: front crawl, breaststroke, and backstroke. 

Thank you to our House Captains for helping with the smooth running of the event. The children from Preston gave our visitors a friendly welcome and were great ambassadors for our school. 

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075