Foundation Stage Weekly Newsletter
Puffins and Penguins Weekly Newsletter 8th March 2019
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been such a busy week in Puffins and Penguins.
As part of Maths this week we have been weighing and measuring. The children used these skills to make pancakes. They collected eggs from our chickens then weighed, mixed and cooked the ingredients. They cut the pancakes in half and then into quarters but the best bit was eating them. We had discussions about Shrove Tuesday and why it is important to Christians around the world.
How wonderful it was to see so many parents and carers in school this week sharing a story with the children. It was a great opportunity for the children to share their love of reading and for the grown-ups to discover what they have been learning.
We continued to celebrate our love of reading by dressing up for World Book Day, the costumes were amazing. The children made their own puppet theatre, had a fairy tale quiz and went on a real bear hunt! Each child received a World Book Day book token, a personalised bookmark, and a free copy of Little Monkey from Booktrust.
Home learning
- Take a photograph or draw a picture of a family pet and write some simple words or sentences.
- Number recognition – which numbers can you recognise to 20? Practise counting backwards from 20 - 0.
To support our learning on animal care we have two guinea pigs visiting us for a couple of weeks from 18th – 29th March. The children will have the responsibility of feeding and caring for Patch and Nibbles. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you for your continued support, have a wonderful weekend.
Many thanks, Foundation Team