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Primary School

Ready for Work - Architect Visit

As part of the learning enquiry ‘When I Grow Up…’, children in Foundation have been exploring the many different job opportunities that could be available to them in the future.

This week, Mrs Fairclough came to visit Puffins and Penguins to talk about her job as an Architect. She explained how creative an Architect can be when designing a new building in the community. The children understood the importance of working as a team and that Architects draw plans for builders to use. The children were challenged to create a new house for the cartoon character ‘Bluey’. They drew their own architect's sketches and plans and talked about the materials they would need. The children had some wonderful and creative ideas. They then had to build their design using a variety of construction materials.

Thank you, Mrs Fairclough, it was a fun, creative and informative session. At Preston we have high aspirations for children and want them to realise that anyone can work hard and be an Architect.

Preston Primary School Academy
Old Paignton Road

01803 607075