Unit 2
- 10/07/23
Year 2 Sleepover
The year 2 sleepover was a fun night of playing games on the field, eating hotdogs, roasting marshmallows, cooking popcorn over the fire, and staying up late. The children had lots of fun playing together and were a pleasure to have overnight at school. What a lovely way to celebrate the end of year...Read Full Story - 27/06/23
South Devon College Computing Trip
The Unit 2 children had a fantastic day on Friday at South Devon College in the Computer and Technology Department. During the day they used their collaboration and creativity skills to work as a team to design an idea for a new game. They had to work to a specific criteria, and then present their i...Read Full Story - 22/06/23
Unit 2 Summer 2 Newsletter
Home Learning and Supporting the Curriculum at home We have attached a selection of Knowledge Organisers, for you to use to support your child’s learning at home. These set out clearly what we expect children to learn and remember in that subject. Please use these at home to reinforce and h...Read Full Story - 05/05/23
- 04/05/23
Unit 2 'Rock Up and Read'
Unit 2 welcomed our parents and families into our classrooms for our first ‘Rock up and Read’ session yesterday. The children enjoyed sharing their love of reading with the grown ups, and it was great to see so many families reading together. We look forward to seeing you on the 17th May...Read Full Story - 10/03/23
Virtual Author Visit
Today, children in Key Stage 1 enjoyed a virtual author visit via zoom. Rachel Morrisroe, the author of The Drama Llama, read her book to the children. What a treat to have a real author bringing the story to life! We enjoyed the story, had a fun quiz, and even had a llama drawing maste...Read Full Story - 07/03/23
Unit 2 Spring 2 Newsletter
Home Learning and Supporting the Curriculum at home We have attached a selection of Knowledge Organisers, for you to use to support your child’s learning at home. These set out clearly what we expect children to learn and remember in that subject. Please use these at home to reinforce and h...Read Full Story - 24/02/23
Unit 2 Trips
Unit 2 have had an exciting week this week with two trips! The children had a fantastic time at the zoo on Wednesday to learn about living things and their habitats - this links with their learning in science. The children have also had trips to Torre Abbey to learn more about the Spanis...Read Full Story - 12/01/23
- 30/11/22
- 15/11/22
Unit 2 Autumn 2 Newsletter
Woodland Camp & PE Children are to come to school in their PE kit on PE days. Snowy Owls and Little Owls - Monday, Tawny Owls - Tuesday. Our Woodland Camp day is Monday. We want to try and use the Woodland Camp most Mondays-please remember wellies. Home Learning and Supporting the...Read Full Story