Unit 2
- 12/12/24
- 15/11/24
- 15/11/24
- 12/09/24
- 03/07/24
Unit 2 Museum Trip
This week, all the Owl classes have visited Torquay Museum to support our History short enquiry. The children were introduced to Torquay-born explorer, Percy Fawcett, and learned about his adventures and the mystery around his disappearance. The museum staff were impressed with the chi...Read Full Story - 01/07/24
Year 2 Sleepover
The Year 2 children had their sleepover in the school hall on Friday night. A fabulous time was had by all; eating hot dogs, toasting marshmallows on the campfire, making popcorn, and playing out late with their friends. What a great way to celebrate the end of Key Stage 1! They all showed...Read Full Story - 28/06/24
Snowy Owls Sports Festival
Yesterday, Snowy Owls took part in a striking and fielding Sports Festival at Paignton Academy. The children demonstrated our school aim of ‘Love to Learn’ as they participated in a carousel of activities with maximum effort, tried new skills, and had lots of fun! The children were a cre...Read Full Story - 12/06/24
- 23/05/24
Unit 2 Geography Walk
This week, the children from our Unit 2 classes all went on a walk through Scadson Woods and the surrounding area, as part of their Geography Short Enquiry. During the walk, the children used their observational and teamwork skills to identify various human and physical features, which they will plo...Read Full Story - 16/05/24
Unit 2 Music Outcome
Children in Unit 2 have been determined to learn to play the glockenspiel in their Music Long Enquiry this half term. The children have learnt about the pulse in the music. They used their school value of Teamwork to co-ordinate their playing and singing to create an amazing performance which they e...Read Full Story - 09/05/24
Scadson Woods Trip
Yesterday, the Barn Owls children went on an exciting adventure to Scadson Woods in search of minibeasts. Guided by their love of learning and curiosity for science, the young explorers enjoyed a sensory-filled expedition, discovering the wonders of nature and the world of minibeasts. This outdoor a...Read Full Story