Unit 4
- 07/06/24
Civic Award Fayre
On Wednesday afternoon, the Year 6 children participating in the Civic Award held their Civic Award Fayre to raise money for a charity of their choice. The children created amazing things to sell, including cakes, sweets, and bracelets. We also had children who made games for other children to...Read Full Story - 24/05/24
Unit 4 Geography Walk
This week, Unit 4 visited Preston Beach to support their learning in their Geogrpahy short enquiry. The children worked in groups to observe the erosion which is happening at Preston Beach. They then worked together to create solutions to prevent erosion in the future by using their prior knowl...Read Full Story - 09/05/24
- 26/04/24
Unit 4 Summer 1 Newsletter
Read Full Story - 22/04/24
Playground Leader Training
Last week, the Playground Leaders undertook training with Mr Julyan from Paignton Academy. They learnt new games to show the other children at lunchtimes, and worked on strategies to support them in managing the activities they run. Mr Julyan was impressed with the children’s dedication a...Read Full Story - 05/03/24
Unit 4 Spring 2 Newsletter
Read Full Story - 29/02/24
Unit 4 Art Trip
This week, our Unit 4 children visited Cockington galleries to meet the enigmatic and exciting Artist, Szabotage. He is world-renowned, and has just returned from a tour of Hong Kong. Szabotage welcomed the children with warmth and enthusiasm, and shared the inspiration behind his creations. Th...Read Full Story - 19/01/24
Kestrels Sports Festival
This week, Kestrels attended a tchoukball and handball Sports Festival at Paignton Academy. The children took part in a variety of tournaments against other local primary schools, and also took part in a variety of activities to develop their throwing, catching, and aiming skills. The Sports Festiva...Read Full Story - 12/01/24
- 11/01/24
- 06/12/23
Preston Rotary Club
This afternoon, members of Preston Rotary came in to give out 'watch out' books to the Year 5 children. This book is to support the children in learning to keep themselves safe. It includes topics such as car safety, water safety, and respect for animals. We hope all the chil...Read Full Story